Experience Tricking

the power of positivity

+1 (844) Exp-Tric

A community that believes in spreading the power of positivity through martial arts tricking.

Established 2014


Night Show

One of the most exciting parts of Experience Tricking, the Night Show includes our trick circle, demonstrations, battles, and more. Not to mention the dance party that typically kicks off with our DJ while we wait for the Night Show to start.

Our trick circle is a chance for every participant and coach to own the floor and throw a trick or combination. The crowd will be clapping and cheering for you no matter what your skill level is. This is all about having fun and spreading the power of positivity.

The Night Show is open to the general public with a Spectator Ticket. Invite your family and friends to see the culmination of Saturday’s events. Please tag us and use our hashtags for all the pictures and videos you’ll take! Find us on social media here.